Saturday, September 11, 2010

Art in the home

Fall is my favorite season and Halloween is by far my favorite holiday.  It was good to have Miriam and Vauna around as an excuse to start crafting for the season.  We made two birds to help deck out our houses in holiday decor and completed activity 9 of the Art in the Home badge in the process.

I found this crow idea on the Ordinary Life Magic blog.  It only took a few minutes and these crows were zooming all around the house.

And last, I found these witchy birds at The Magic Onions.

Finding your way or Never Eat Soggy Waffles

With the help of Miriam's dad, the girls were able to earn their Finding Your Way badge on Saturday. 

learning about maps and directions
Despite the 98 degree heat, they completed activities 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, sand 8.  Activity 6 is "Map the Place" and I bet all the girls have done this at school.  Vic. went to talk to Miriam's class last Friday and had them map the location of all of the resources in their classroom.

preparing to GPS a trail at Pecan Park

happy trails...

Rally 2010

 Miriam and Vauna spent some GS time at this year's rally.  Rally is always a good source of low key fun.
As you can see getting their faces painted is a long standing Miriam and Vauna rally tradition
rally 2006
And last but not least, the only time the picture from the back of the police car is cute...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Progress - Being My Best (activities 1 & 5)

creating vision/ inspiration boards to help us reach our goals

Rosh Hashana was the perfect backdrop for a discussion about setting self improvement goals and talking about how to set smaller goals to help us reach our bigger goals.  This activity also proved the perfect time to complete the think positively activity...

Now, the only question is where to hang this little piece of inspiration.